One never knows what might happen when one speaks out. Little did I know that an innocent interview on one website would lead to numerous other requests. So, here I am with Kate Watson, who kindly invited me to share my passion project, Deep Nature Journeys, with you.
To put it simply, my passion is to provide a path for individuals to quiet their minds, open their hearts, and fall in love with nature all over again, just like all of us did as young children.
When asked what prompted me to begin this work, my only response has to be my entire life’s journey and all the unpredictable twists and turns, detours through unimaginable encounters with unexpected events, people and places (far too many to mention) that have brought me to this moment. If everyone were totally honest, this would be true for all of us.
In a world where the Oxford English Language Dictionary declares “selfie” as the word of the year, our culture has apparently elevated the importance of the self to new heights. The whole concept of the “separate self,” that superhero/triumphant individual has long been on my mind. I continue to question the validity of putting the self above all else.
It’s not easy to say why I’ve been living with this inquiry. For now, let’s attribute my concerns to the following proverb: “If we don’t change our direction, we’re likely to end up where we’re headed.” My fascination with the condition of humanity and nature may be as simple as my experience that it flat out feels better to be part of an aligned group of people sharing common concerns about the well-being of the whole.
One can only wonder what this year’s word will be. How about dignity, tenderness, reverence or even compassion?
Extending kindness and caring to all that is human and everything non-human, combined with the ideology to honor the value of community above and beyond the individual is the missing ingredient in our social and economic relationships. The drive for endless growth and limitless consumption is systematically threatening our future.
The obsessive focus on “self” combined with our perception of separation may well be the root cause of our imbalance with the natural world. In my observation, embodying reverence for all the sacred elements is the path of compassionate behavior that inspires an individual to prioritize the well-being of the whole.
Embracing the ecological truth of the interconnected and interdependent nature of the universe is an essential next step for humanity. This level of awareness and action is the fundamental foundation of a civilized society that functions in balance and harmony with self, one another and the Earth.
The question arises, how do we accomplish this? Deep Nature Journeys is designed to offer at least one path to support this transformation of society. Alone time in nature with no reading, no writing, no fire, no cell phones, no distractions. Just you and your deepest true nature surrounded by the beauty and stillness of the wild.
There is so much more to be said about the healing power of nature to relieve stress and mind chatter. The pace of modern life has too many of us uptight and contracted with the daily demands of increased productivity and off-the-charts performance. I like to pose the question: “Where are we headed, and why are we in such a hurry?”
A Deep Nature Journey offers an opportunity to push the pause button on the frenetic pace of modernity. Your experience and view of the world will surely change. Spending alone time in nature represents a tremendous gift to yourself, which unlocks the door to a profound experience of the unification of inner and outer nature with no separation. The wonderful magic and mystery of everything non-human arises to awaken all of your senses. I welcome your participation.
Bud Wilson has 35 years of experience as a social and environmental entrepreneur, leadership trainer, educator, business, non-profit, and community leader. Bud is a steadfast advocate for principles of deep ecology. He believes that regenerative human behavior is the next essential step for humanity. To learn more, please visit http://www.DeepNatureJourneys.
All images courtesy of Bud Wilson.