Postcard from Ghana: Edumafa

One of my Global Mamas volunteer assignments was to document a papermaking project in the farming and fishing village of Edumafa, Ghana. There, local women are producing note cards from pineapple leaf fibers. During my two visits to the village, which is about 1.5 to 2 hours from my home base in Cape Coast, the women had unfortunately not produced enough leaf fibers to show me the papermaking process, so instead I wandered the village and photographed whatever inspired me. Of course, a camera in a village of 1,000 can be a spectacle, and I got many requests for “snaps” from villagers. Here are some of my favorites:


During my first visit to Edumafa, I met both the former chief of the village (below) and the current chief. It is considered proper etiquette to notify the chief whenever a stranger is spending the night in the village. On the right, below, a woman makes fufu, a traditional Ghanaian dish of plantain and cassava that is often served with okra or ground nut (peanut) soup. It has the consistency of dough, but can be quite tasty.



Have a great day,