What we know vs. what we do

I was feeling yucky for a lot of October. First, I had a cold, then I was tired all the time, and then I progressed to the full-on blahs and mehs…and I had no idea why. There was no clear reason for my feelings and I’m a gal who likes reasons.

Then I realized: I hadn’t been taking my iron supplement. I must have been iron deficient, again. A few days later I had confirmation.

I know I need to take an iron supplement. Without it, I get headaches, lack energy, and eventually start to feel like I can’t accomplish anything. The problem is, when I’m feeling good, I forget about my supplement or skip it because “I’m fine and don’t need it.” Clearly I’m insane because I’ve done this several times. 😉 [You know, definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. (Einstein)]

Anyway, as I sit here, well down the path to recovery and recommitted to taking my supplement, I am reminded of something else: There’s a difference between what we know and what we do, a gap between what we understand intellectually and what we act upon.

Art inspiration by Rebecca Peragine (via Etsy)

We all know so many things. For example, I know that sugar is bad for me and that I feel better when I avoid it. I also know that I’d be finished by now if I devoted more time to writing the home-study version of my workshop. I could go on and on, with both personal and business matters.

But, it’s fall and pumpkin pie sounds yummy… And I’ve had a lot of homemaking responsibilities since our relocation to the West Coast… And there are so many new, shiny projects to work on… Yep, what I do doesn’t always match up with what I know.

So right now, publicly, I’m going to make a commitment to act: I will finish my at-home course by the end of November. Yikes, did I just say that?! Yes, I’m committing. It’s important to me and I want to finish.

Is there anything you know that you haven’t acted on recently? Anything you want to commit to now?

Let me know in the comments.



Kate Watson - Nice commitment, Ariane! A home redecorating project will make your space so beautiful and cozy for winter. And thanks for the motivation to get started on my own project. 🙂

Ariane - Totally know how you feel Kate! It’s always this back and forth about what I know I should be doing and acting upon it. So yes, I’ll join you in committing to something that’s been on my mind for a while. It’s an at-home project. I commit to begin working on redecorating my home starting on Nov. 19th. Coat of paint here, furniture rearranging there; it’ll be fun! Perfect winter project :)!

Thanks for helping me to make a commitment and put an actual date on it. Now I definitely will have to start it lol.

Great post Kate; good luck with your at-home course. I’m cheering you on that you’ll get everything done :)!