Eye Candy Friday: White House Photographers

Did you know that the White House has a Flickr stream? There, you can keep up with all the latest presidential activities—historic and everyday—through the lens of Chief Official White House Photographer and Director of the White House Photography Office, Pete Souza, and his staff.

I discovered the Flickr stream after watching The President’s Photographer: 50 Years in the Oval Office, a National Geographic Special discussing the role of the White House photographers beginning with Yoichi Okamoto, who served President Johnson. While the film focuses primarily on Souza and President Obama, there are also anecdotes and images from David Hume Kennerly (photographer for Gerald Ford); David Valdez (for George H.W. Bush); Bob McNeely (for Bill Clinton); and Eric Draper (for George W. Bush). If you’re a fan of documentary photography and haven’t seen The President’s Photographer, I highly recommend it. You can catch it on Netflix or PBS.

“The job of presidential photographer is all about access and trust, and if you have both of those you’re going to make interesting, historic pictures.” — Pete Souza

As a photographer with a documentary approach, I am just in awe of Souza’s images and envious of his role. Who wouldn’t want a front-row seat to history, even if it comes with 13-hour work days? Ok, I admit the work hours are crazy, but I would still love to do this job, even if for one day. How about you?

The White House Flickr stream recently posted a new set: 2011 Year in Photos, chosen by Souza. Here are some of my favorites:

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Official White House Photo by Pete Souza. Click any image to see its EXIF data.

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First family at Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 19, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

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Presidential visit to Moneygall, Ireland. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

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A visit with the Queen. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

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First Lady with former South African President Nelson Mandela. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)

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Obama and Biden (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

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(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

It’s interesting to read Souza’s comments about each image in the set. I particularly enjoyed his remark about the official family portrait: “Since portraiture is not my strong suit, I tried to make the setup as simple as possible.” A nice little reminder that even White House photographers have strengths and weaknesses, just like the rest of us. 🙂

Do you have any favorites among the presidential Flickr stream? Share away in the comments.


Kate Watson - Thanks, Jody! Glad you stopped by. And look at you with the swanky new blog. Congrats

Jody Yarborough - I watched the same documentary some months back and I LOVED IT! As a lover of both history and documentary photography, this subject captivates me. Great blog!

Announcing “The Inspired Way”

How do you live an inspired, purpose-driven life?

A lot of people talk about finding your passion or living a life filled with purpose, but have you ever wondered how they really do it, or how they stay on track day after day? My friend, Ariane, and I did, too.

So we asked some of the most inspirational, creative women we know, including:

We’re now ready to share their answers with you:

Cover artwork by Jessica Swift

The Inspired Way

Ariane and I are thrilled to announce The Inspired Way, a free guide jam-packed with juicy tips and motivation from these amazing women and many more, designed to help you open up to your full potential, discover your passions and live a life filled with inspiration and purpose.

My New Year wish

As we look ahead to a new year, I’d like to leave you with a wish. This post began as my wish for photographers, but I’ve decided that this message goes beyond any one field and could apply to anyone who chooses it.

My New Year wish for all of us is:

That we stop seeing each other as competitors and instead look to each other as colleagues, potential collaborators, and fellow creatives.

That we let go of others’ expectations for our businesses and all of the things we believe we “should” be doing and instead create our ideal businesses, playing to our strengths, acknowledging our quirks, and accepting ourselves as the unique and worthwhile individuals we are.

That we find our own way of working instead of subscribing to someone else’s template for success.

That we embrace ourselves and each other as artists, even when we don’t feel worthy of the “a” word. 

That we embrace each other as co-conspirators on this messy journey of life.

That we accept our traumas and applaud our triumphs, and realize that both are impermanent. There is always a new day and a new way to create our ideal life and business.

That we believe deep down in our core, in the deepest root of our beings, that who we are is enough and that what we do is valuable, and that it will always be valued by the people who matter.

A dandelion to wish on, by Lulu Bug Jewelry (via Etsy)

Peace and blessings,



Kate Watson - Thanks, Ariane! All the best to you in 2012 and beyond as well.

Ariane - This is really beautiful Kate! What a wonderful wish to send out into the world. May all your wishes come true this year and for a life time 🙂

Kate Watson - Thanks, Cindy!

cindy - love what you wrote Kate!

The many hats we wear

“Love Who You Are” by Lisa Ferrante

Have you noticed how many of the inspiring women featured in our free guide, The Inspired Way, wear multiple hats? These amazing women are authors, coaches and artists; photographers, yoginis and founders of inspirational workshops…and that’s just in their professional lives. For many of them, you could also add the titles of wife, mom and more.

Not that long ago, I would have seen their multiple monikers as evidence of an inability to focus. I would have said, “Who gets to be an author, medicine woman, yoga instructor, photographer and artist? That must mean she’s not doing any of those things well.” And yet, the more I learn and the more inspiring women I meet, the more I realize that these women — those who’ve carved their own niche and play to all of their strengths — are not only the most successful, but they are also the most fulfilled. They refuse to subjugate one area of their spirit or skill-set in order to fit societal norms or others’ expectations.

This was a huge aha! for me, one that is changing the way I see myself and the world. So, don’t be surprised if I declare that I’m an artist and photographer, business coach and fundraising consultant for artists, writer, yogini and zumba instructor-to-be during the next year. It’s all happening… (well, maybe not the zumba instructor part just yet, but anything is possible). Believe it.

What hats are you wearing, or newly embracing in 2012?


Kate Watson - Hi Laurie: Thanks for the comment and welcome! I know the feeling — there are SO many interesting courses out there but, having taken many, I know that they can result in information overload that can interfere with your own path of creation and self-discovery. There’s nothing wrong with taking some time to slow down, reflect and figure out what’s most important for you. Happy New Year!

Laurie - Working a full time job just for a paycheck and now insurance since Hubby retired. It’s killing me! I am bursting at the seams to create. I’ve been working on this for quite a few years. Spent 2011 taking on-line courses for my photography and learning PhotoShop. Made alot of progress. My dream is to retire at 55 when Hubby goes on Medicare at 65. But I need to be able to justify the loss of income and purchase health insurance. Hubby is all for me retiring early but he also is very budget conscious.
I am finding so many wonderful women here in blogworld. I want to take all their classes, get all their coaching, but it’s not feasible financially. So I am searching for my mentor/s and hoping to find my niche.
Right now the hats I wear are Gardener, Photographer, beginning Mixed Media ‘Artist’, returning to Glass-beginning Abrasive Glass ‘Artist’, Guardian of Gabby cat, Hamlin the cockatiel, and Tealy, Blue, Cricket, and Tweety, the parkeets, Mother, step-mom/friend, Daughter, step-daughter, Wife, step-mother, step-grandmother, Apparel Clerk and Embroiderer, Knitter, and Reader. I love and embrace all, don’t meet up to expectations of some, and some don’t meet up to mine.
Hubby would call my hat “Multiple Tasker” – for me, that’s the only way to get anything done in this lifetime. But it’s time to slow down, take a deep breath, before I hurt myself (any more).
Happy Holidays, Happy New Year. Thank you for me finding this post and spilling this out, apparently it needed wings. I think I’ll use this as a post on my blog. 🙂

Need inspiration? How to find your inspired life

How do you live an inspired, purpose-driven life?

A lot of people talk about finding your passion or living a life filled with purpose, but have you ever wondered how they really do it, or how they stay on track day after day? My friend, Ariane, and I did, too.

So we asked some of the most inspirational, creative women we know, including:

In January, we’re going to share their answers with you!

Cover artwork by Jessica Swift


Ariane and I are thrilled to announce The Inspired Way, a free guide jam-packed with juicy tips and motivation from these amazing women and many more, designed to help you open up to your full potential, discover your passions and live a life filled with inspiration and purpose.

To be among the first to receive this new ebook, simply fill out the form below and we’ll send it to you as soon as it’s available.

Or join us in January for an all-day, virtual launch party. Stay tuned for more details.


Update December 7, 2011: Our original title, Inspired Path, is a registered trademark of someone else. We have changed our title to The Inspired Way, but the inspiration and content remain the same.

Art Aligned™ » Blog Archive » The many hats we wear - […] of the inspiring women featured in our free guide, The Inspired Way, wear multiple hats? These amazing women are authors, coaches and artists; photographers, yoginis and founders of inspirational […]

In which I attempt to answer The Ol’ Life Purpose Question. | Unicorns for Socialism - […] piece will be featured in the forthcoming INSPIRED PATH – a collection of essays on life purpose & creative abundance, curated by Kate Watson […]