Over the weekend, Brian and I attended the Spring Open Studio for the Hunters Point Shipyard Artists. In addition to visiting our friends Pernilla and Mauricia, we wandered Building 101 and discovered a variety of exciting artists. Some of my favorites were:
Mirang Wonne, who does amazing torch work on stainless steel mesh. In her artist’s statement, she says, “I start to draw with flame, as if I am doing calligraphy with sumi ink. The bright tip of the torch seems to be alive. The fire pulls me into its universe. I am not sure whether I am holding the torch or whether the tip of the flame is holding me.” Of her work overall, she adds, “To me, life is incredibly beautiful. In spite of daily struggles and failures, after all tears and sorrows, I still find this gift called ‘nature’ to be eternally sweet and soft.”
Susan Spies, who paints inviting abstracts. Her website says, “Her paintings illustrate the notion of vastness, ponder our assertion over it, and capture the experience of land, water, space, time and light.” Although I generally prefer more realism in painting, there’s something about this work that speaks to me. What do you think?
Jamie Krueger‘s travel photography. Being a photographer myself, I admit that I’m picky when it comes to photography. Jamie’s was the best on display at Hunters Point this weekend, IM-NSH-O. 😉
Painter Ivy Jacobsen, who is “deeply moved by the beauty found within the natural world. When in nature there is a predictable calming that comes over me,” she says, “It is an environment of home and nourishment.” About her work, she says, “I strive to create a place of magical realism in my landscapes, balancing magical elements with real world rendering of flora and fauna found in our natural world.”
And, for a touch of whimsy, Kim Smith makes collages from vintage books and other materials. My favorite of her offerings was her book, Where Quirky Meets Menacing. I’m not so sure about the menacing part, but it’s definitely quirky.
Did you do anything fun this weekend?
Art Aligned™ » Blog Archive » Happy Generosity Day! - […] some love with your friends, family or strangers. I think Generosity Day goes hand-in-hand with Admire Week, which I posted about last week and which is still ongoing in my […]