Is it time to take to the streets? Personal growth through street photography

Today, I’m going off schedule to share a project by photographer Ari Hunter. In December 2009, Ari took to the streets of New York City to take portraits of people she didn’t know. It was an experience she says, “changed me forever.”

If you’re in need of some fear-conquering, take-no-prisoners attitude or just want to try something different this weekend, why don’t you join Ari on her adventure? Whether you’re in New York or elsewhere, you are welcome to participate this Saturday, June 18th, she says.

Here’s a short video where Ari shares her experience:

And here are some more details about this weekend’s event:

To sign up, click here. If you decide to jump in, I’d love to hear how it goes.


I remembered who I am [Tess, week one]

Hello, lovelies. Today, I’m introducing a guest blogger who is participating in my Art Aligned Workshop. She’s so good that she introduces herself in the next paragraph so I’m going to let her take it away. Please welcome Tess!Hello. Please let me introduce myself.  I’m Tess, and I am Kate’s guest blogger for the next eight weeks. I am a photographer and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am currently attending the Art Aligned workshop for artists who also have the delusion of someday being business people—and successful business people at that. It’s eight weeks long and meets once a week via Skype. I went in with my usual high hopes, but halfway resigned already for a dud. Yes, you are right, dear reader, I *have* been to a few of these. Sigh.We started out a little awkwardly.Expected, really. We aren’t a group yet, no cohesiveness, everyone being super polite and quiet. Then we got into the nitty gritty fast. Kate, our brave and fearless leader, socked it to us head-in-the-clouds artist types. She opened with a discussion of differentiation that quickly led to an analysis of the saturation in the industry caused by industry leaders who need to fill seats in their seminars. She went down the familiar list of things that are considered gospel truths by these leaders and by the industry for photographers and studios, i.e. raise your prices, you’re worth that much; make your business a boutique business; upsell! upsell! upsell! those albums and products; oh, btw, I happened to bring my latest product for you to buy, it’s a really cool set of posing cards, it’s a new dvd of PS editing shortcuts, it’s the latest pre-sets your business can’t succeed without, your clients are going to love these fantastic new album templates. I should maybe confess right now that, yes, I do indeed have all of the above.

Kate then spoke of blog stalking (my new fave term and I’m using it even when not applicable to the conversation), why we all look alike now (it’s kind of obvious now we’re all using the same posing guides and pre-sets and templates), and if we all look alike then the only way or primary way we differentiate ourselves in the eyes of consumers is by price, that dirty little word.

Well, my dears, Kate nailed it.  It sounded like she maybe had our studio bugged (????!!!!) and was reporting on private conversations my business partner and I have been having about our industry the last year or so. A bit freaky, followed by the oh my goodness, you mean someone else analyzed this and sees it clearly too? And is willing to talk about it? And it was good to hear. We have talked about this subject ad nauseam at work, circling ’round and ’round it, with no satisfactory conclusion.

We then went on to an exercise that most of us coaching junkies have done several times at least: the what-are-your-strengths, best-things-about-you exercise. So, an obedient little attendee, I started writing. And writing. I did a train of thought because I find it rather quickly gets me to writing something real.

And it did and I did.

I have been having a crisis of confidence since a workshop I attended earlier this year. Starting with discomfort and moving to fear, cruising on to panic, then surpassing panic to go on to a full on freak out.  All on the inside of course—the inside of my head, the inside of my face, the inside of my body.  I looked perfectly normal and calm on the outside. Of course. A crisis deepened by asking myself really truly poor quality questions (and Anthony Robbins taught me to ask myself good quality questions so I knew I was in trouble).

And all those bad bad very bad questions led me right down the all-my-creativity-just-dried-up path. I freaked out. I didn’t believe I was capable any more. I was just this weird fake artist that was delusional! I should just stop now and stop embarrassing myself! These were some of my thoughts. It was awful. Go home like a good girl and maybe bake for a living. (In case you’re wondering just why baking for a living was not a good thought: I have celiacs.) You’re not an artist honey, you’re a moron. Oh too bad, so sad.

I know. Gross.

Anyway, I was so afraid and shut down I couldn’t even schedule sessions anymore. I stopped looking at all the things that I’m obsessed with and that make me happy and get me into the zingy zing zing-o-matic groove. I completely and totally forgot I have a large body of work that is Stellar! Fantastic! Amazing! Zowie!

And then.

And then I wrote something down during that exercise that reminded me. It changed my view. it moved my brain from where I was caught in despair and sadness and life sucked out of me to happy and sane and in my right mind and dare I say, zing-o-matic? I wrote ‘I love composing in 3D and I’m great at it.’ The way each object in the frame relates to the other is purely poetry. The shadows are a whole entity in and of themselves. And the light, and the beauty, and the subject…

All of the sudden, completely out of the blue, I was reminded who I was, who I am, who I truly am. Not the self that hid away, overwhelmed. The real me, the one that is calm and happy and in her element in 3D. The one who doesn’t even question her talent, doesn’t even think of it much, it’s just there in the background, a low hum, a great tool when needed. And let’s face it, I never call it ‘talent’ in my head either.  I just love color and construction paper and running with scissors. Jeez. It’s kindergarten everyday.

And it was all better. Pretty much between one breath and the next, it stole in and took me back over. I am still bewildered, both by the suddenness and hugeness of the change, as well as the fact that both of these states of being, their radical difference, can be happening in the same person. At almost the same time.

And I picked up my camera and called a friend and said let’s schedule a fun session and she, being no fool, said ‘great, now?’ And so I composed in 3D again and we had a fantastic time. By the end of the session, it was all good. I was back in there where I need to be, where I live. And it just flowed on from there. And the strange thing is after all those weeks and weeks and weeks of no clients, no one calling me, fear fear fear, tight stomach and no sleep, my phone is ringing and my email is filling.  The energy shifted.

Significant learning happened for me and to me during this unexpected and miraculous process. Did I really have to write that sentence for you? Kind of obvious.

So here are a couple of questions for you and your life, your inner and outer selves:
What do you tell yourself that makes you believe you’re nothing?
What do you know to be true that you have forgotten? Completely forgotten?

I didn’t change who I was, I remembered who I am.

All that from a silly little exercise that I’ve done at least 5 other times.

If this is all I get out this eight weeks, hello.

I am now paying attention, Kate. You have the floor.

Context is key [Tess, week two] | Art Aligned™ - […] Note: This is a guest post by Tess, the second in her series about the Art Aligned […]

Let go. Break some rules.

If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.Katharine Hepburn

Photo inspiration by Valeriano Della Longa (Flickr) – Know how he’s breaking the rules?

How are you going to break some rules today?


Taking an introvert day | Art Aligned™ - […] sit in the sunroom, basking in the bright and heat of this Florida summer. Huh, it’s kinda like breaking the rules, isn’t it? Definitely be a good thing once in a […]

Standing in your power

On Tuesday, I introduced Dara Girard’s article, “The Power of Belief,” where she says that believing in yourself is a key factor in business success. Here’s another piece of her article that I’d like to share:

“You are the master of your fate; you determine the legacy you will leave,” she says. “Successful careers are built by [people] who take the time to learn. Understand that you’re a capable individual… You won’t know everything at first, and you’ll make mistakes—that’s okay. —Dara Girard

Photographic inspiration by Leland Francisco (via Flickr)

I view this as stepping into your own power and simultaneously taking ownership for what you can control, while letting go of what you can’t. For example, you have the power to:

  • Learn everything you can about your medium/art form
  • Learn the requirements for setting up a legal business, paying your taxes and contracting with clients
  • Hire advisors to help when you need it, in such areas as choosing a business entity, bookkeeping, tax preparation, even honing your style and brand
  • Produce the work you want, how you want, when you want, even if it’s not for paying clients
  • Say no to clients who aren’t a good fit, or to projects that won’t allow you to do what you enjoy and do best
  • Join organizations to learn more and surround yourself with other artists
  • Collaborate with people who support you
  • Share your work on your blog, Facebook, Twitter or another social media outlet
  • Find out how to submit your work for publication, and approach editors
  • Offer to hang an exhibit at the neighborhood coffee shop or retail space
  • Enter contests
  • Own your own story and share your vision with the world

At the same time, there will always be some things you can’t control. They include:

  • Whether someone likes you and wants to work with you
  • What clients, colleagues or critics are or are not saying about you
  • Whether a former client decides to compete with you
  • What your competitors (or peers, if you prefer) are doing
  • The response—positive, negative or indifferent—of a person for whom you did a special favor
  • The results of a contest you entered, or response to your submission for publication or offer to exhibit your work
  • Whether your tax return will be audited or you will be sued

There’s no need to beat your head against something you can’t control, wondering and wringing your hands about what other people are doing and why. I know it’s a challenge, but try to let it go and instead focus on what you can control. There is always a positive step to be taken, if you’re willing to believe in yourself and your abilities.

So, what step are you going to take today?


P.S. How is your believing in yourself assignment going? Were you able to just believe in yourself and your gift on Tuesday? If so, keep it going. Choose to believe in yourself today, and if that works, try tomorrow, and if that works, the next day.

If you’re struggling, that’s ok, too. Ask yourself what is it that makes you not believe in yourself? What can you do to start believing in yourself? You might want to spend some time with that, and journal your answer. I’d love to hear how it goes.


The key to business success: Believing in yourself?

Recently, I read a wonderful article by author Dara Girard called, “The Power of Belief.” Based on her more than 20 years of experience in the industry, she asserted that “a writer’s beliefs are the deciding factor in the choices [they] make and have more of an impact on their success or failure…than the situations and obstacles they face.”

Her message is something that all artists can learn from, I think, and so I’m going to share some bits and pieces of her article with you.

Dara explains that believing in yourself is the key to success:

Establishing an unwavering belief in your gift…will unlock the power of your voice. Your voice will separate you from other[s] more than a marketing plan, great promotional push, or blog tour. It will give you staying power. —Dara Girard

Isn’t that amazing? Doesn’t it feel good just thinking like that? What would change for you if you established an unwavering belief in your gift? Stay in that space for a moment.

Artwork inspiration by Dr Franky Dolan: Ever want so badly to believe in yourself, but you just couldn’t? This image speaks to that moment just before you take that leap, once you have found the strength to believe in yourself. You can be brave, and you will be alright. We must take risks and believe that we can be great once we do. So take that leap of faith, you may just float.. and then fly… Sending Love, Dr Franky Dolan (via Fae Factory/Etsy)

Now, how does it feel if you let the fears and doubts creep in? Not so good, right?

When you don’t believe in your gift, “you might make career plans out of fear instead of faith,” Dara says. You may undervalue your work. You may choose not to submit your work to a publication for fear it’s not good enough. You may accept clients that you know aren’t a good fit for fear of not having work otherwise.

Have you ever noticed that what you focus on becomes brighter? Pick a color and say it to yourself. Keep saying it as you look around the room, and see how your eye is drawn to everything that color, while you gloss over the other colors present.

Can you see how believing in your gift unlocks your voice? If you believe you are uniquely gifted to share your art with the world, you are giving yourself permission to grow as an artist. By denying your gift or acting from a place of fear, you are shutting down the part of yourself that creates and inspires.

So, just for today, choose to believe in your gift.

Let me know how it goes in the comments section.


Standing in your power » - […] Tuesday, I introduced Dara Girard’s article, “The Power of Belief,” where she says that believing in […]

Needing Inspiration | howlingwind - […] Here’s the link to the blog I read…I’m pretty thankful to have come across it: […]

Standing in your power | Art Aligned™ - […] Tuesday, I introduced Dara Girard’s article, “The Power of Belief,” where she says that believing in […]

Kate Watson - Excellent! Glad to have you here, Greg. Yes, I feel like believing in yourself gives you strength and purpose when you face obstacles. Check back on Friday for more of Dara’s article.

Greg Williams - This is such awesome advice! It sounds like the type of advice we all hear or maybe tell our friends, but we fall pray to ourselves at times. I have been feeling this exact thing until my wife forwarded your website to me to check out..and she highlighted that I should “read the blog.” So here I am and wow, how timely. I guess I have some introspective thinking to do about my work and myself and more importantly..believe in ME and my art.
Thanks for the great, timely, “hit-home” article!